5 Causes of Uncontrolled Laughing or Crying
If you or a loved one are experiencing uncontrollable bouts of laughing or crying, there may be a more serious underlying health problem that could help explain this. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) may occur along with a neurological disorder. There are actually a few neuro disorders that can cause you to laugh and or cry uncontrollably. You may need to see your doctor to have tests performed to figure out which condition you are dealing with.
Below we have sorted the probable causes out for you:
1. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Your nervous system plays an important role in your everyday health. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS is a disease that your nervous system can get and will basically make your muscles weak and it makes any kind of physical activity near impossible. This is a progressive disease with an unknown cause, and it is extremely rare. However, it is not yet curable at this time. Make an appointment with your doctor to see if this is the reason you are laughing and crying uncontrollably.
2. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Another neurological disease that you may want to check on is Multiple Sclerosis also called MS. This disease is one that can just last for years and go away, or can even be lifelong. Multiple Sclerosis MS is a disease that affects your nerves, and has many symptoms. Some of the symptoms of MS include weakness, and seeing double. Others have reported tingling and numbness, as well as not being able to balance or having bladder issues. Your doctor can run a few tests on you and let you know if this is the cause of your laughing and crying uncontrollably.
3. Traumatic brain injury
Brain injuries are usually caused by having an accident or a fall. Most of the time if someone has a brain injury that is traumatic, they are aware of it. Did you know this could be the cause of your crying and laughing spells? Having a Traumatic brain injury isn’t necessarily a disease, but rather something that you have gotten and know you have it. Ask your doctor if this could be the reason that you have PBA.
4. Alzheimer’s disease
This disease is one that is usually associated with growing older. However, it has been known to rear its ugly head in younger people that never would have thought they were near the age for this disease to strike, Alzheimer’s is definitely a mental disease. It causes memory loss and affects mental function. Progressively, at that. It is extremely common and there is no cure. This could also be the cause of PBA.
5. Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a disease that affects your nervous system. It can cause your body to stiffen up very uncomfortably and it is also the cause of tremors. While this is a common disease, there is still no cure. This is one disease that will slow you down and just progressively gets worse with time. It can also be the cause of PBA. Ask your doctor to find out.