Alternative Remedies to Manage COPD
Among the natural remedies for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) are alternative remedies that use herbal products and ancient medical practices. If found to be safe, these alternative remedies can be tried by those diagnosed with COPD. These remedies can help reduce symptoms of COPD and improve the quality of life.
Herbs are natural remedies for COPD that can be very beneficial for those suffering from the symptoms of this disease. Herbal medicines have been used successfully by ancient Chinese and Indian schools of medicine.
Although there are not many studies proving the effectiveness of these remedies, many people have sought the benefits from these herbs. It must be noted that some herbs can cause side effects, and if you experience any such side effects, you should stop taking them immediately. You can also consult your doctor before opting for these natural remedies for COPD. The following are some of the herbs that can be used to treat COPD:
1. Ginseng
Ginseng is a popular Chinese medicinal herb. It is anti-inflammatory in nature and helps in reducing oxidative stress. Ginseng has been helpful in reducing symptoms of COPD in many people. It must be noted that some people experience headaches, sleep problems, and increased blood pressure if they take ginseng.
2. Ginger
This is a well-known spice used while preparing food. It contains antibiotics and antioxidants that are helpful in fighting COPD. Ginger can be used as a seasoning for food or consumed in the form of ginger tea. It can improve digestion as well.
3. Salvia
A popular herb used to treat COPD is salvia or red sage. It is believed that taking salvia can help strengthen the lungs and reduce respiratory distress symptoms.
4. Astragalus
It is another Chinese medicine used to treat COPD. Astragalus can improve lung function and help reduce inflammation in the lungs.
5. Acupuncture
Another popular Chinese traditional system of medicine is acupuncture. This system involves the use of tiny needles that are inserted into various points on the body. It is believed that this helps balance energy flow in the body and reduce symptoms of diseases.
Some studies have shown that those treated by acupuncture experience fewer symptoms of COPD and can tolerate exercise better. A related therapy is acupressure, where instead of needles, pressure is applied on points through the fingers.
6. Yoga
Yoga, the ancient Indian practice involves exercise for the mind and body. These exercises strengthen the immune system and the lungs. Yoga involves breathing exercises that are very helpful for those having COPD. It can reduce attacks of breathlessness and strengthen respiratory muscles, providing great relief.
Yoga also helps reduce stress as it teaches you control over your mind and body control. As stress can worsen the symptoms of COPD, regular yoga helps in improving the quality of life of COPD patients.
7. Integrative medicine
These medicines involves a combined approach to the treatment and management of diseases. Traditional and alternative medicines are administered together to help the patient experience quicker relief and improve their quality of life.
These alternative natural remedies for COPD have been helpful to many patients. They are safe and can be tried by COPD patients.