Signs, Detection, and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries, a part of the female reproductive system. It goes undetected until the disease has spread to the pelvis and the abdomen, making it more difficult to treat. However, if it is detected in the earlier stages, it can be treated successfully. The overview of ovarian cancer given below can help one know about its signs, detection, and treatment. 1. Symptoms In the early stages, there are hardly any signs or symptoms that would raise an alarm, and most of them can be confused with signs of other conditions. In more advanced stages of the condition, symptoms could include any or all of the following: Abdominal swelling or bloating Feeling full extremely fast Unexplained weight loss A dull discomfort in the pelvic region Changes in bowel pattern, including constipation Need to urinate often In case one is experiencing any of these symptoms or has a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, they should see a doctor. 2. Causes Ovarian cancer cannot be pinpointed to a single cause as yet, but it usually begins when a cell develops mutations in its DNA. These mutations lead to the cell multiplying rapidly and spreading, which then leads to the creation of a tumor.