Different Treatment Methods for Diabetes

Different Treatment Methods for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, more commonly referred to as simple diabetes, is a metabolic disease that affects multiple organ systems, leading to a host of problems. The hormone insulin is responsible for moving glucose to the cells so that it can be used for energy. It causes elevated blood glucose levels that, when left untreated and uncontrolled, could lead to problems in the eyes, kidneys,nerves, heart, and brain.

The following are the the effects of diabetes on different organs and their treatments:

1. Ophthalmology
Diabetes affects the eyes by increasing intraocular pressure. It affects the retina and optic nerves which leads to leakage of blood in and around the eyes. A person who has uncontrolled blood sugar levels needs to check with an ophthalmologist at regular intervals to make sure that the eye health is good. Diabetes also leads to cataracts in most patients. One may need to undergo cataract surgeries and photocoagulation to treat leakage of blood in the eyes.

2. Nephrology
The kidneys fail to function due to high blood sugar levels as it impairs the blood vessels and capillaries of the renal system, leading to renal failure. As a part of treatment, it is necessary to visit the nephrologist at regular intervals to make sure that the kidneys are functioning well and to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

3. Neurology
Diabetes results in neuropathy, affecting both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Symptoms that include severe pain, numbness, tingling, stiffness of the joints, the tendency to fall, and imbalance may necessitate visiting a nephrologist. The doctor then conducts neurological tests and may treat the condition with drugs like Tegretol, Neurontin, and Lyrica.

4. Dental
It is very important to take care of the teeth and gums if you are suffering from diabetes. High blood sugars corrode the gums and make them susceptible to infections and dry mouth. It is necessary to visit a dentist for a regular checkup and cleaning so that any tooth infection can be cured at an early stage with antibiotics.

5. Foot care
Foot problems like boils, blisters, or cuts should be treated immediately in a person with diabetes. Diabetics tend to develop foot ulcers, gangrene, and other infections. These spread rapidly and do not heal fast due to poor blood supply caused by high blood glucose levels.

Amputation of limbs or a part of the limb is the surgical treatment for diabetes patients. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the use of antibiotics, and antifungals are also commonly-used treatments. Casts, wraps, and compression boots are some non-invasive treatments for diabetes patients with foot conditions.

6. Diabetes and cardiovascular health
High blood glucose weakens the heart and remains one of the reasons for high blood pressure. It results in coronary artery disease and many other heart ailments. People suffering from diabetes are usually treated with clopidogrel and aspirin. They help in preventing the formation of clots or fatty deposits within the arteries that supply blood to the heart. A regular appointment with your cardiologist also is recommended to make sure that there is no impairment in heart function.

7. Home treatment for diabetic patients

  • Fenugreek

Soaking fenugreek seeds in water at night and drinking it in the morning helps in improving blood sugar levels. Raw seeds can also be taken on an empty stomach every day.

  • Okra

Soak the vegetables in water and drink the water on an empty stomach to reduce blood glucose levels.

  • Bitter Gourd

Including bitter gourd as a part of your diet, at least once a week, is known to bring down blood sugars to a significant extent.

  • Ginseng

This can be obtained in the form of herbal supplement and helps in maintaining the blood sugar at reasonable values.