Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, can be a frustrating challenge for men, regardless of their age. ED is the persistent difficulty of achieving or maintaining an erection, and can cause a lot of problems in relationships. This condition can be triggered by multiple factors, such as health conditions, emotional problems, relationship issues, medication, smoking, drug abuse, and alcohol consumption. However, this is not to suggest that there are no natural treatments for erectile dysfunction.
Natural treatments and key lifestyle changes for erectile dysfunction can include the following:
1. Exercising regularly
Regular exercises can help in improving one’s overall health. For erectile dysfunction, this can be helpful as it will improve blood pressure, blood flow, and general health, minimizing the risks of one’s developing ED.
2. Healthy diet
When one eats healthy and nutritious foods, it can help to cut down risks of heart problems, diabetes, and clogged arteries. These are all high-risk factors for developing ED.
3. Stress reduction
One needs to lower stress levels through regular workouts, yoga, or meditation so that one does not feel pressure when engaging in sexual activities. Stress may be caused due to multiple factors like finances, work, or relationship troubles. So, one has to actively find ways to deal with these to relieve stress levels and improve ED symptoms.
4. Engagement in sexual activity
It is necessary to continue one’s sexual activities, even if one experiences partial erections. It is known to affect the symptoms of ED positively as the increased blood circulation to the penis helps stimulate its functions over time.
5. Get sleep
Lack of sleep may contribute to ED. A review posted in a journal suggested that there is an intricate link between sex hormone levels and sleep. Testosterone levels rise with better sleep. While lower levels will be responsible for sexual dysfunctions. One can rectify this problem by following a set sleep routine.
6. Quit smoking
For many males, stopping smoking may be a remedy for ED, especially when ED happens because of vascular diseases. In this case, the blood circulation to the penis decreases because arteries get blocked.
7. Reduce alcohol
Alcohol can be a depressant and may lead to short-term or long-term ED. The central nervous system releases nitric oxide that is needed to get and maintain erections. However, heavy alcohol intake will depress the CNS and make it function poorly.
8. Monitor medications
ED may often be due to the side-effects of certain medicines. The usual culprits are meds for high blood pressure, beta-blockers, cholesterol drugs, antidepressants, diuretics, antipsychotic drugs, corticosteroids, hormone drugs, chemotherapy, and even medicines for curing male pattern baldness.
9. Alternative treatments
There are a few studies that suggest the effectiveness of alternative therapies and complementary medications in treating ED. These include ginseng, acupuncture, and yohimbine. While there are mixed opinions, some studies reveal that acupuncture can treat ED effectively. This treatment was used in a study and was found to improve the quality of erections, restoring sexual activity in many participants. Since then, there have been many more studies in this field and they have mostly yielded positive results.
Just like other medical conditions, there is no one cure or therapy for ED. One can take the help of natural treatments for erectile dysfunction along with medications to treat this condition. These lifestyle changes and should be ideally tried first, followed by other natural remedies and alternative therapies on with the consultation of a doctor.