Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat Acid Reflux
Acid reflux refers to the condition in which gastric fluid flows back into the esophagus, resulting in heartburn. This condition brings about physical discomfort. Often, people tend to stop eating many foods because of severe acidity. However, this method may not always be effective. Along with dietary changes, one needs to also follow lifestyle changes to have a healthy digestive system.
The stomach has a valve at its entrance known as the lower esophageal sphincter. It is a ring of muscle which controls the backflow of the food once it enters the stomach. If this stops functioning properly, the contents are pushed into the esophagus. Moreover, the acids produced in the stomach flow back into the esophagus. As a result, the affected person may feel a burning sensation in their chest. This is called heartburn and occurs due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
In order to fight acid reflux, one needs to first understand what is causing the condition. Only then can dietary and lifestyle changes help cure the condition.
The common causes of acid reflux are:
- Consumption of fried and oily foods
- Eating large quantities of food
- Eating snacks before bedtime
- Consumption of certain foods, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolates, onions, garlic, or spicy or fatty foods
- Taking certain medications, like aspirin and blood pressure medications
- Beverages like alcohol and coffee
Certain lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits can curb the effects of GERD. One can also consult doctors and nutritionists for a few lifestyle tips for acid reflux.
1. Do not overeat
Try eating small portions of food at frequent intervals throughout the day to help boost metabolism. This curbs the flow of acids as well.
2. Do not sleep right after dinner
Many people experience heartburn at night and suffer from distorted sleeping patterns. It is advised to have food for at least 2 hours before bedtime. This would give the body enough time to start the digestion process. As a result, the affinity of heartburn can decrease to an extent.
3. Exercise regularly
Regular workouts can keep the body healthy and fit. As a result, the body can metabolize food more effectively. This would lower the chances of heartburn throughout the day. Hence, one needs to maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly.
4. Avoid the triggers
The trigger foods for this condition include garlic, chocolates, fried foods, and onions. One can avoid eating these foods to lower the chances of acid reflux.
5. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol
Smoking and consuming excess alcohol increase the chances of GERD. So, avoid these to have a healthy digestive system.
6. Drink water
Water forms 75% of the human body and is an essential constituent in cells. It is important to drink plenty of water during exercise.
One can always formulate healthy habits according to their preferences and choices. However, these lifestyle tips for acid reflux can certainly keep acid reflux away.