Old-Fashioned Arthritis Treatments for Pain Relief

Old-Fashioned Arthritis Treatments for Pain Relief

There are around 200 conditions that can affect the joints, the surrounding tissues, and other connective tissues. The main symptoms can include joint pain and stiffness which tends to worsen with age. Millions of people suffering from the debilitating effects of chronic and incurable arthritis. it has become one of the major causes of work disability and primarily affects the joints.

The pain can typically be felt in the following areas:

  • Neck and spine

Stiffness and pain in these areas can affect posture, balance, and mobility

  • Shoulders

The ball-and-socket joints here can be affected by arthritis, leading to loss of mobility, severe pain, and swelling.

  • Elbow joints

Stiffness and pain here affect mobility, dexterity, and ability to work.

  • Wrists, hands, fingers

Pain, stiffness, deformity in these areas caused by arthritis prevent ease of daily living and activities.

  • Hip joints

Ball-and-socket joints in the hips are prone to stiffness, pain, and fracture due to arthritis, leading to restricted movement.

  • Knees

Knees, which are the biggest joints in the body, are particularly susceptible to arthritic pain and stiffness.

  • Ankles

One of the most complex joints in the body, it can easily be put out of action due to arthritis pain and swelling.

  • Feet, heels, toes

These are the weight-bearing parts of the body and arthritis pain, swelling and stiffness can impair mobility and movement.

While conventional medical treatments include pain/inflammation relief, physical therapy, and surgery, there are several traditional, old-fashioned treatments for arthritis.

1. Pain relief treatments
Old-fashioned arthritis treatments have been known and documented for thousands of years. Most of them are focused on relieving the pain and swelling, increasing the sense of well-being and general health and promoting flexibility.

2. Essential oils
Another old-fashioned arthritis treatment is essential oils. They promote a sense of well-being and combat stress. Some of them help people sleep and get physical and mental rest. They have anxiety relief, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, muscle-relaxant, antioxidant properties and help to release beneficial hormones. They can be used as topical applications along with a carrier oil like almond or olive oil for massage. Some like rosemary oil act on the pain receptors in the brain to reduce painful sensations. Lavender oil reduces levels of cortisol, reducing the sensation of pain and promoting relaxation.

These are not meant to be ingested. A few examples of essential oils are:

  • Lavender oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Eucalyptus essential oil

3. Anti-inflammatory foods
Making dietary changes like including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oily fish, nuts, garlic, onions, herbs, and spices can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Reducing and/or avoiding junk foods, processed foods, fried and fast foods can help to reduce weight and relieve joint pain. You can avoid allergenic foods like dairy, certain vegetables, and fruits rye, eggs, corn, wheat, red meat, and high-fat meats. Adding berries and seeds, along with cold-water fish like salmon and tuna, can help to fight pain and promote immunity.

4. Hot and cold treatments
Alternately soaking the affected joints in hot and cold water for 15 minutes at a time can help reduce swelling and pain. It is considered one of the best old-fashioned arthritis treatments.

5. Activities
Swimming, washing dishes by hand, bending and stretching, gentle, low-impact Tai Chi and yoga are helpful. Regular massage, warm showers, hot tub soaks, protecting the joints in cold or rainy weather, and walking barefoot can provide relief from pain.