Simple Tips and Old-Timey Remedies for Colds and Flu

Simple Tips and Old-Timey Remedies for Colds and Flu

There are a number of old-timey remedies for colds and flu. The article lists out some of the simple tips that have been practiced for years. These time tested tips and remedies can be effective in treating the irritating symptoms of cold and flu.

One of the common old-timey remedies for colds and flu is to wait for symptoms to ease. The common cold or flu usually needs two days to be cured. In some people, medications may also not provide immediate relief.

That is why old-timers suggest to wait out and not to rush to the doctor and take medications. Whether it is sneezing, coughing, or fever, these symptoms are our body’s natural way of dealing with cold and flu.
The body produces histamines to handle allergies and fight foreign bodies. The sneezing and coughing are an effect of histamines. Once the allergy is cured naturally, the symptoms usually disappear.
Similarly, fever is the body’s natural way of fighting an infection. Our body releases substances to fight the bacteria, causing increased temperature. Once the infection is cured naturally, the fever will subside. It may be advisable to avoid treating the symptoms of cold and flu immediately and wait for a day or two. It is recommended to start treatment only if symptoms are causing problems or in case of high fever.

1. . Cool the fever down
The flu brings with it a fever. Instead of taking medications, you can try using a cold compress on the forehead and on the back of the neck to reduce fever. This is an effective old-timey remedy. It can be done many times until relief is obtained. However, if the temperature exceeds 103 F, then you must immediately consult a doctor.

2. Keep yourself hydrated
The flu can dehydrate you and make you feel tired. Dehydration can occur rapidly if you have symptoms like diarrhea. Hence, while you are sick with a cold or flu, drinking plenty of water is essential. Also, it is advisable to drink warm water and to avoid cold water.

Apart from water, another way to hydrate yourself is to consume ginger tea with honey. Juices made from citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and accelerate the process of fighting the cold.

3. Steam inhalation
A good way of reducing symptoms of cold and flu is to inhale the vapor from boiling water. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil can help in providing better relief.

You can use a steamer or boil water in a vessel and add essential oil to it. The vapor helps to loosen mucus, and it also relieves the congestion in the sinuses.

The old-timey remedies for colds and flu that this article lists are simple and easy to follow. These tips can help you get relief from the symptoms of cold and flu. They are preferable to taking medications that can cause side effects.