Steps to Increase Libido in Women
When a woman has gone through menopause, their ovaries stop producing the fertility hormones, estrogen and progesterone. During this time it is also common for women to experience a drop in their libido. Other causes of low libido can include pregnancy, illness, major life changes like a romantic breakup, and medications for mood disorders. Whichever the cause, the treatment should be aimed at the underlying cause.
There are steps women can take to increase their libido, including the following:
1. Medical causes of low libido
If you feel a sudden decrease in sexual desires, do not ignore it. It can indicate several female gynecological ailments. You must consult a gynecologist or a sexologist as soon as possible. They can help determine the reasons for low sex drive, with physical and mental examinations.
- They may prescribe tests to eliminate cysts in the pelvic and genital areas.
- They can also ask for blood tests to check hormone levels.
- Once physical factors are ruled out, experts can turn to physiotherapy.
2. Medical treatments to increase female libido
If the doctor finds any hormonal imbalance, then he/she can prescribe pills for a cure. Most pharmaceutical drugs spike the release of hormones that create sexual urges. However, you must never self-medicate. Stick to the guidelines of your sexologist. Long-term use of these pills may have specific side effects.
3. Psychological therapy
A mental block can also be on the list of causes of low libido in women. Studies show that females deal with more stress. Stress and depression can mar your urge to engage in an intimate physical relationship with your partner. Proper emotional therapy can eliminate any mental blocks, after which you can enjoy a healthy sex life.
4. Regular exercise and diet
Studies show that overweight women suffer from low self-esteem due to their body image. Proper exercise not only keeps your body in shape but releases estrogen and progesterone. These hormones uplift your mood and sexual desires. An unhealthy diet is one of the causes of low libido in females. Lean protein, good fats, fresh veggies, and fruits are packed with antioxidants. These rejuvenate your body from within. Some wine after dinner can trigger the right hormones to increase your sexual desire.
5. Quit smoking
Nicotine consumption is another cause of low libido in females. If you smoke too much, then your sexual urge may decrease with time. Nicotine hinders the natural flow of hormones in your body. It offers temporary mental and physical numbness. It overshadows the natural sexual libido in women.
6. Concentrate on foreplay
The sexual gratification process varies in men and women. Most men fail to realize the importance of foreplay. Lack of foreplay can also be one of the causes of low libido. Women require time to reach an orgasm, while men acquire it rather fast. Foreplay sets the mood for the ultimate climax, which both partners can enjoy together.
7. Work on the relationship
A woman cannot attain an intense sexual drive if she is not happy in the relationship. Both partners need to compromise and work to add value to their relationship. Love and affection are natural libido boosters.
If all else fails, you can opt for sexual therapy. These sessions provide an insight into the cause, and offer practical solutions. Once you accomplish the mental and physical balance, everything will fall into place.