Things to do at Home to Treat Atopic Dermatitis

Things to do at Home to Treat Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an inherited condition wherein an individual is inclined to get multiple allergic disorders, such as hay fever, asthma, food allergies, and the like. If you or any member of your family has an allergy problem, then the chances of you getting atopic dermatitis are increased. However, unlike allergic contact dermatitis, this condition is not an allergic reaction to any substance.

It is more of a chronic, itchy inflammation that affects the skin’s outer layers, and its exact cause cannot be determined. While home remedies for atopic dermatitis help to ease the existing itching, you must also ensure that the skin is protected from further irritation.

These are some easy-to-follow home remedies for atopic dermatitis that you can try out:

1. Wash before you wear
When you buy new clothes, you must remember to wash before wearing them. This practice will help to get rid of the formaldehyde and such other harsh chemicals that may have been used for treating the fabric.

2. Use mild detergents
You need to use mild laundry detergents at home, and rinse clothes at least twice to ensure that no soap stays back on the clothes.

3. Wear natural fabrics
You should try and wear only natural fabrics and loose-fitting clothes so that the skin is free to breathe. Cotton clothes and cotton-blend clothes are good choices.

4. Maintain your temperature
It is important to maintain constant temperatures because any sudden change in temperature may irritate your sensitive skin. It is also advisable to maintain steady humidity levels inside the home.

5. Keep nails trimmed
You can try to keep your fingernails trimmed at all times because longer nails may cause more damage to your irritated skin when you scratch the affected areas.

6. Hydrate and moisturize
You need to keep the skin well hydrated and moisturized at all times by taking regular showers using lukewarm water. Soap use should be discouraged unless it is necessary, and it is best to use non-soap cleansers. After rinsing thoroughly, you must gently pat dry the excess moisture and apply a moisturizing cream afterward. Plain petroleum jelly can be the perfect choice of an after-bath sealant.

7. Post swim
After swimming, it is very important to wash well because you need to remove the chlorine and chemicals that most swimming pools contain. If these remain on the skin, they can irritate it further.

8. At-home skincare
What you can apply as home remedies for atopic dermatitis:

  • You need to apply a moisturizer cream throughout the day because you have to ensure that the skin does not become dry and itchy again.
  • It is better to apply sunscreen having SPF higher than 15. It is needed to avoid sunburns that will only make the irritation worse.
  • You may apply vegetable shortening as this greasy and thick kitchen staple is one of the best ways to cure dry and cracked skin. Gently coat the itchy areas and cover it using a plastic wrap secured with tape.
  • Olive oil can also be applied to the affected skin to soften these patches of skin. If psoriasis affects the scalp, you can rub this oil as you bathe to remove all dried skin cells.
  • Aloe vera may be applied as the gel offers a soothing and cooling effect on dry and itchy skin.