Treatment Methods for Congestive Heart Failure

Treatment Methods for Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure is a chronic condition that affects the pumping capacities of the heart muscles. The condition is fatal in advanced stages, it can be treated in the earlier stages. One of the treatments for congestive heart failure can be surgery. This may involve fixing the heart valve, bypass surgery, or using devices to help the heart pump blood effectively. The article explains the surgical procedures and devices used to treat this disease.

1. Devices used to treat congestive heart failure
Using devices is one of the treatments for congestive heart failure that has been proven to work in the long run. Some of these devices include:

  • ICD
    ICD stands for Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. This device may need to be fixed surgically to control the heart rhythm. It is required for those who have abnormal heart rhythm, which can be a life-threatening condition.
  • Pacemaker
    A pacemaker is a battery-operated device that can be implanted near the collarbone. It can help in regulating the heart rhythm and ensures the heart beats properly.
  • CRT
    Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) involves the use of a special pacemaker that ensures the walls of the ventricles contract in sync and thus pumps blood effectively. This helps to make the heart pumps more efficiently. A variant of this device is CRT-D, which includes a defibrillator with the CRT device. Some patients who require both therapies may require this device.
  • LVAD
    LVAD (Left ventricular assist device) can be very helpful when the heart is weak and is not able to pump blood. An LVAD is a tube that can pull blood from the left ventricle and move it to a pump that can send blood to other vessels. This is not a permanent procedure but can be used temporarily before a heart transplant.

2. Surgical methods to treat congestive heart failure
Surgery is one of the options to treat congestive heart failure disease, especially in case of severe problems. The types of surgery that are carried out are:

  • Heart valve surgery
    A heart valve may need to be fixed via surgery if it is defective. Either a mechanical valve or one made from human or animal tissue can be used. Medication is needed to prevent clots from forming around the valve.
  • Coronary artery bypass
    This is a surgery where a blood vessel is taken from another part of the body and is used to ensure proper blood flow in case an artery is dysfunctional.
  • Coronary angioplasty
    Blockages in the coronary artery disturb the flow of blood to the heart, causing problems. The solution for this is angioplasty, where a balloon is inserted using a catheter through the groin until it reaches the blocked vessel. The balloon is then inflated, leading to the blockage being removed.
  • Heart transplant
    This is a major surgery required in the case of severe heart failure. The heart from a brain dead donor needs to be transplanted into the patient. This is a complex procedure and can extend the life of a person suffering from congestive heart failure.