13 Foods for Heartburn Relief

13 Foods for Heartburn Relief

Heartburn is an irritation in the esophagus that has symptoms resembling a heart attack. During heartburn, you are likely to feel a burning discomfort inside the upper stomach region just under the breastbone. Heartburn is nothing but acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux, or GERD. It is not always a burning sensation. Sometimes, you can also taste the food coming back in the throat or have difficulty in swallowing as the esophagus seems to be inflamed.

The symptoms of the condition may be triggered because of problems in the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), a muscular valve at the point where the stomach meets the esophagus. Gravity ensures that LES keeps stomach acid inside the stomach, but when it functions improperly, the acid seeps into your esophagus and produces a burning sensation.

Here are some foods to add to your diet for relief from the symptoms of heartburn:

1. Low-acid foods
Heartburn is caused when the acid that should be in your stomach moves into the esophagus. The natural acids present in foods that you eat, like fruits and vegetables, play an important role. While most fruits have high acid content, melons and bananas do not. Bananas make for great snacks, while different varieties of melons like cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew are recommended for acid relief.

2. Oatmeal
It is the perfect breakfast food for you if you are experiencing heartburn because it will not trigger reflux. Besides, it is wholesome and nutritious and also contains lots of fiber.

3. Bread
Whole grain bread is recommended for those with heartburn as it is made from unprocessed grains.

4. Aloe vera
Not only is aloe vera excellent for the skin, but it is also perfect in the form of juice for relieving heartburn conditions.

5. Rice and couscous
They are complex carbohydrates that are excellent for relief from reflux. It is recommended that you opt for brown rice as it is fiber-rich.

6. Green vegetables
Asparagus, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, and beans have low acid content and are recommended as foods for heartburn relief. Also, potatoes, onions, and other root vegetables help prevent reflux.

7. Chicken and turkey
These lean meats can be grilled, baked, boiled, or steamed, but not fried. You can also eat lean steak and beef to counter heartburn.

8. Fish
You can grill fish or bake it to get relief from heartburn, but you must never fry it or prepare the fish with fatty sauces.

9. Egg whites
Besides being great protein sources, eggs are beneficial foods for heartburn as they have low acid content.

10. Fennel
This beneficial food for heartburn is perfect for use in salads as it has low acid content, making it great for digestion.

11. Ginger
Since time immemorial, it has been used for treating an upset stomach and reflux.

12. Parsley
Parsley does more than garnish a meal, and it has traditionally been used for treating stomach problems and acid reflux.

13. Avocados
Healthy fats like those in avocados will not cause heartburn as compared to the fats in queso, bacon, or French fries. You may also include more sources of healthy fats like nuts and seeds in your diet because these are reflux-friendly.