8 Foods to Eat During Menopause

8 Foods to Eat During Menopause

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s fertility and menstrual cycle. It occurs when periods have stopped for an entire year and the ovaries no longer make estrogen and progesterone, the two fertility hormones. It usually begins around 51 years of age, when women begin to notice symptoms like an irregular menstrual cycle, mood swings, lowered sex drive, hot flashes and so many more.

Women on menopause need to follow a proper diet that can help alleviate the symptoms. The dietary tips for menopause can include consuming more of the following foods:

1. Fatty fish
Salmon, tuna, and mackerel are fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is good for overall health and helps in providing relief from the symptoms of menopause like night sweats. It is also good for the heart and helps reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Also, weak bones and loss of bone structure are potential problems during menopause, and including vitamin D in the diet can strengthen the bones. Fatty fish is packed with vitamin D, and regular intake of this vitamin is also known to prevent the early onset of menopause.

2. Yogurt
One of the most important dietary tips for menopause is to include calcium in the diet. Calcium is needed to strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis, and yogurt is one of the best foods to include in the diet to increase the intake of calcium. To prevent weight gain, low-fat yogurt and milk products should be consumed. It is important to include at least 1200 mg of calcium in the diet, from either food or supplements.

3. Phytoestrogen
Phytoestrogen is a natural substance found in food that acts like estrogen and can help in reducing the symptoms of menopause. Studies have shown that women consuming foods that have phytoestrogen experience fewer hot flashes. It is found in foods like soy, peanuts, chickpeas, grapes, plums, berries, flax seeds, and green tea.

4. Fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain the perfect combination of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. They not only strengthen the body but also help in weight loss. Additionally, eating more vegetables helps in reducing the consumption of calorie-rich food and can also help reduce blood sugar levels.

5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which is very helpful in digestion. Improved digestion can contribute to weight loss and reduce obesity. It is a good idea to replace refined carbs in the diet with fiber-rich foods like oatmeal.

6. Eggs
Eggs are excellent for women facing the symptoms of menopause as they are rich in essential proteins. They also have vitamin D and iron, which are important for women at this stage.

7. Leafy greens
Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in iron, a vital part of a menopausal diet. They also have calcium, magnesium, vitamin B, and potassium, all of which help improve general health, so regular consumption of leafy greens is highly recommended.

8. Whole grains
Replacing bad carbs or foods made of refined flour with whole grains is an excellent dietary tip for menopause and also overall health. They contain vitamin B, fiber, which bring multiple health benefits and should be consumed regularly.