Easy and Healthy Snacks for Kids

Easy and Healthy Snacks for Kids

Kids are extremely active and boisterous and tend to have a higher calorie intake to replenish their lost energy. This cannot always be satisfied with a plain old three-meals-a-day routine. They need snacks in between mealtimes, and opting for packaged snacks for kids can be quite harmful to their health. Packaged foods, especially those full of refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and artificial colorings can be harmful in the long run.

It is better to replace these junk snacks with healthy alternatives that are fun to eat and also provide you with an opportunity to add some extra nutrients to their daily diet. Here are some snacks for kids that are healthy and well as delicious:

1. Popcorn
Contrary to popular belief, popcorn is a very healthy whole grain. It is the added condiments on top that make it unhealthy. For kids, just sprinkling some cheese or adding a layer of butter should suffice. However, care must be taken as popcorn can also be a potential choking hazard for little children.

2. Yogurt
With a combination of calcium and proteins, yogurt is an exemplary snack for kids. Calcium plays a crucial role in ensuring a child’s overall skeletal development. It also has essential probiotics, which are good for the digestive system. In addition, it is very versatile and can be eaten with different fruits as flavorings, depending upon your child’s preferred choice. It is usually eaten as a summer snack since it also helps in cooling down the body temperature. However, try to avoid artificial sweeteners or fruit flavors as they can be harmful to a child’s health.

3. Nuts
Nuts are the easiest choices for healthy snacks for kids. Containing fiber and helpful antioxidants, they are integral in supporting the growth of young children. Proper supervision should be ensured as they can also be a major choking hazard. Also, it is advisable to have a doctor check whether your child has any prevalent allergies to nuts.

4. Oatmeal
While this is usually consumed as a breakfast food, it also holds great potential as a healthy alternative for a quick snack. Oats are full of fiber, which can greatly help improve digestive functions. Adding milk to oats also adds calcium and proteins to your child’s diet.

5. Cheese
Cheese is made up of high-quality proteins and calcium. It also has various vitamins as well as trace amounts of magnesium, which help in the all-round development of a child and ensure that they feel full between mealtimes. This makes them less likely to pick unhealthy or packaged snacks for kids. It has also been found that kids who eat cheese had a lower likelihood of developing tooth decay.

6. Pickles
Pickles are a healthy source of vitamin K and aid a kid’s development. They are also known to contain helpful probiotic bacteria. However, it is essential to avoid sweetened pickles, which can be harmful to your kid instead.