Foods to Avoid for Osteoarthritis

Foods to Avoid for Osteoarthritis

The most common form of arthritis for the majority of people is Osteoarthritis. It affects millions of people around the world, and is caused by the wearing down of the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones. The most affected joints from this disease are the hands, spine, knees, and hips. The damage to the joints can not be reversed, but the pain can be managed with proper care.

The progression of osteoporosis can be slowed down by maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, and avoiding certain foods, such as:

1. Sugar
Everyone loves sweet sugary treats. An osteoarthritis diet will eliminate sugar from the diet to help reduce osteoarthritis pain and symptoms. Carbohydrates that are rich in sugar, as well as raw sugar used in cooking, can change the body’s immune response to disease which can worsen inflammation. Using a natural substitute for sugar like maple syrup or honey will greatly reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.

2. Fried foods
The high saturated fats in fried foods can increase inflammation, and cause the osteoarthritis pain to worsen. The oils that are used for frying can create a chemical reaction in the body that can raise cholesterol. Baked foods without any oils or additives are better for healthy eating.

3. Omega 6 fatty acids
Foods that contain the omega 6 fatty acids should be limited. These foods also contain saturated fats, and include egg yolks and red meat. Eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are better for osteoarthritis.

4. Osteoarthritis and alcohol
It is recommended that alcohol, especially beer, not be consumed by patients with osteoarthritis. Beer has a high level of purine, and contributes to osteoarthritis flare ups. If arthritis medication is taken, alcohol could interact with it.

5. Dairy products
Animal milk is an inflammatory trigger. Avoiding dairy can significantly improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It would be better to substitute the dairy with a non dairy alternative.

6. A low sodium diet
Stop sprinkling the salt. Too much sodium in the diet can cause the cells in the body to retain water, and swell up. Although the body needs some sodium to function, too much can result in an inflammatory reaction. It can also contribute to damage in the joints. To avoid having too much sodium daily, substitute the salt for spices like lemon zest, and garlic and other herb flavored black pepper.

Osteoarthritis symptoms, pain, and discomfort can be treated by lifestyle changes that include a healthy diet, and physical activity. The joints will not be as stiff if they encounter regular movement. Exercise classes, dance classes, and joining gyms, are the latest trend for people who want to ease the pain of arthritis, and have a more enjoyable life. By eliminating the food triggers, the battle for pain relief is underway. Eating a sensible diet is the best way to improve the overall health of the body. Eating the right nutrient rich foods, and getting rid of the osteoarthritis trigger foods will make daily living more manageable.