Foods to Eat on the Whole30 Diet

Foods to Eat on the Whole30 Diet

The Whole30 diet is a very strict diet plan that restricts the consumption of food items like alcohol, grains, sugar, dairy, and legumes. The main intention of the Whole30 diet is to create a healthy lifestyle, and it aims to improve sleeping habits, stress control, and the ability to control food cravings. This diet has also been said to ensure high energy levels due to improved sleeping patterns, and it has also helped many people achieve healthy weight loss.

One of the most important things to remember is that it’s’ not recommended that you weigh yourself when on this diet, as Whole30 is more than just a food-control plan. The belief is that checking your weight will make you focus only on the weight loss benefits, which is merely one aspect. The focus should be on overall satisfaction and a healthier lifestyle. Here’s a list of foods you can eat on a Whole30 diet:

1. Lean meat
Lean meat is a good source of protein and is key for keeping hunger away. It is healthier to choose grass-fed meat over grain-fed meat, like chicken, fish, lean meat, turkey, pork, and duck.

2. Seafood
Seafood is an amazing alternative to lean meat. Also, many types of fish are known for the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. They help in building muscles and tissues and are a great energy source, along with helping improve brain and heart conditions. It is recommended to eat 3 to 3.5 ounces of meat or seafood per week during the Whole30 diet plan.

3. Eggs
Eggs are an abundant source of protein and are very conveniently obtainable. They are also available at a lower price as compared to lean meat and fish. Ensure that you eat the entire egg and not just the whites while you are on a Whole30 diet plan.

4. Vegetables
All types of vegetables are allowed on the Whole30 diet plan as the fiber content improves digestion, controls cholesterol, and also balances body weight. However, you need to look out for legumes like green peas, beans, snow peas as they are restricted when on this diet.

5. Fruits
Fruits are rich sources of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, so all fruits are allowed under this diet. Eating fruits is highly appreciated as it keeps your body hydrated and also helps in bowel movements. The sweetness can also help you keep away from toffees, chocolates, and other products with added sugar.

6. Fruits and nuts rich in fat content
Fruits and nuts like avocados, coconuts, cashews, and olives are natural sources of fat and help in lubricating muscles and regulate healthy cholesterol levels. Eating a recommended quantity of these fruits and nuts keeps you full for longer and also helps prevent gastritis.

7. Herbs and spices
Since your food options are limited under the Whole30 diet plan, adding herbs and spices to food will enhance the flavor, preventing you from losing interest in the diet. Also, many spices like cardamom, cinnamon, clove, garlic, and ginger have great anti-inflammatory properties.