Healthy Snacks for Diabetes

Healthy Snacks for Diabetes

Diabetes, both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, can prevent the consumption of certain foods to avoid further health complications (i.e., certain carbohydrates and sugary foods in particular), but some snacks cause no negative effects if consumed in the right amounts. Diabetics should focus on whole, fresh foods whenever possible. Here are a few snacks for diabetes that can be consumed safely and beneficially:

1. Sweet potato toast
This snack is harmless as sweet potatoes are a healthier option as compared to regular potatoes even though the name has “sweet” in it. These can be eaten with tahini, mustard, or even avocadoes.

2. Hard-boiled eggs
Considering that this is a zero-carb option, hard-boiled eggs make for an amazing healthy snack for diabetes. They are good sources of protein and are perfect for satiating hunger pangs when blood sugar levels are high.

3. Chia pudding
This has become a favorite snack recently and packs a punch in terms of fiber and protein content. It is an amazing snack that keeps the body feeling full for long periods, preventing further urges to snack. It can be eaten with berries to give it an extra sweetness.

4. Fermented vegetables
Although this should be avoided if sodium levels are already high, fermented vegetables make for a very refreshing snack as they are rich in probiotics and keep the body resistant to infection. They also help in improving the body’s digestion, keeping it in optimal condition.

5. Almonds
Almonds are the perfect snack with all things considered. They can control blood sugar levels and have also proven to decrease insulin levels, making them one of the perfect snacks for diabetes. Almonds contain protein, fiber, and healthy fats in the right amounts, and although high in calories, they have also shown to reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

6. Avocados
Another healthy snack that helps manage blood sugar levels, avocados are perfect snacks for diabetes as they are rich in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids.

7. Turkey rolls
Contrary to popular belief, turkey is an amazing source of protein and is also diabetes-friendly. Turkey rolls essentially involve using turkey as the wrap and low-carb ingredients like veggies, egg, or cheese as the filling. The absence of bread makes this snack low in carbs and perfect for diabetics. These have proven to be filling and help maintain a healthy weight or even achieve weight loss when paired with exercise.

8. Tuna salad
A combination of tuna and vegetables makes for a power-packed snack for diabetes. Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and helps in reducing inflammation in the body. It has also been shown to help improve and control blood glucose levels. Its combination with vegetables makes for an ideal snack or even a wholesome meal.

9. Trail mix
Trail mix usually consists of nuts, dried fruit, and seeds. These have all shown amazing satiating effects that help promote weight loss and control blood glucose control in diabetics. Dried fruits tend to be high in sugar, so their quantity should be reduced to healthy levels. Also, trail mix is a high-calorie food, so ensure moderate consumption only.