Superfood Face Masks for Natural Skin Care

Superfood Face Masks for Natural Skin Care

Superfoods are foods that are rich in nutrients. These foods possess an exceptional nutrient density, which, when consumed, gives them the capacity to strengthen the body. Just as kale is known to be an antioxidant-rich superfood that helps prevent or manage a range of health problems; there are various superfoods that are good for the skin. In this article, you can read about superfoods that can be used as face masks for natural, glowing skincare:

1. Cocoa face mask
Cocoa is one of the best superfoods for natural skincare. While eating cocoa rich-dark chocolate is beneficial for the skin, it can also be used as a facemask. Cocoa can be found in organic cacao. To prepare this facemask, you can use half a cup of organic cacao powder, a quarter cup of organic turmeric powder, and three-fourths cup of gluten-free ground oats. This mixture can be stored in an airtight jar and reused frequently. You can mix one spoon of this mixture with two spoons of milk and also add a spoon of honey to it. This paste is to be spread all over the face as a mask. You must keep the mask on for at least 30 minutes or until it dries. After this, rinse the facemask off with warm water. You can use a scrub to remove the yellow color of turmeric.

2. Acai facemask
Acai berry is a superfood that is rich in antioxidants, omega-3, and a host of vitamins. A facemask prepared using acai powder is highly beneficial for the skin. This facemask can be prepared using a spoon of acai powder, 3 drops of lavender oil, and a spoon of organic coconut oil. Mix these to make a thick paste, and apply it on the face. Let it remain on the face for at least 15 minutes or until it dries, after which the paste can be washed using warm water. This facemask helps brighten and hydrate skin.

3. Spirulina face mask
Spirulina is a form of algae that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can be used as a facemask along with other substances to benefit the skin. One spoon of spirulina, some kale powder, fresh aloe vera gel, and green clay powder can be mixed to make a paste. This paste can then be applied to the skin as a facemask. You need to leave it on for around 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. It can help to detoxify and brighten skin.

4. Vitamin E powder facemask
The benefits of vitamin E on the skin are well-known. It can be directly applied to the skin in the form of a facemask as vitamin E can be extracted by opening its capsules. The contents need to be mixed with a spoon of honey and a few drops of green tea to form a paste. This paste can be applied on the face and left for about 10 minutes. Once the time is over, rinse your face using cool water. You can include vitamin C and other ingredients in the face mask as well. It is good for keeping the skin hydrated, healthy, and glowing.

These masks made from superfoods for natural skincare are easy to make and can be used to save a pretty penny if you do not wish to go to expensive salons. However, practice caution before using any of them and if you feel it isn’t suiting your skin, wash it off completely and consult your doctor.