The Benefits of a Low-Carb Diet

The Benefits of a Low-Carb Diet

A low-carb diet aims to limit the intake of carbohydrates, especially from foods like grains, fruits, and vegetables high in starch content and encourages eating foods rich in fats and proteins instead.

You can find different varieties of low-carb diets (i.e, Keto diet, Atkins Diet, Whole30 diet, and Paleo diet), and each has its restrictions depending on the number and kinds of carbs you are allowed to consume.

The main idea behind following this diet is to lose weight, but there may be many benefits beyond weight loss as well. However, it is always best to check with a doctor before you start following a weight loss diet, particularly if you are suffering from health conditions like heart ailments or diabetes. Common reasons for following a low carb diet, include:

1. Weight loss
The most obvious benefit of following this diet is weight loss as it activates the fat burning process in the body, which is called dietary ketosis. A low-carb diet restricts the intake of sugary foods like flour, pasta, and bread and encourages eating more fats, proteins, and vegetables instead.

2. Helps manage diabetes
Those suffering from type-2 diabetes will benefit greatly from a low-carb diet as it prevents blood glucose levels from fluctuating.

3. Reduces cravings
A low-carb diet will reduce hunger cravings as eating more fats and proteins makes you consume fewer calories and feel full for a longer time.

4. Reduces abdominal fat
Subcutaneous fat and visceral fat are the two types of fat. The latter accumulates around organs, and its excess leads to insulin resistance and inflammation. Much of the fat in the body gets stored in the abdominal area, and a low-carb diet is found to be very effective for reducing this fat.

5. Reduces triglycerides
Triglycerides are fat molecules that become a part of your bloodstream and are triggers of heart diseases. One of the key reasons for high triglyceride levels, especially in sedentary individuals, is excess carbohydrate consumption. So, if you can eliminate carbs from your diet, you can reduce triglycerides.

6. Increases HDL cholesterol levels
High levels of High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol reduces the risk of heart diseases, and the best way to achieve this is by eating more healthy fats and cutting down on carbs.

7. Lowers blood sugar levels
Ketogenic diets and low-carb diets are the best ways to cut down on carbohydrate intake and bring down insulin levels. Studies show that people with type-2 diabetes who opted for a low-carb diet had a 95% chance of lower glucose levels. This change came about within 6 months.

8. Lowers blood pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure can be a key trigger for heart problems, strokes, and renal failure. A low-carb diet is found to be effective in reducing blood pressure, and consequently, the risk of cardiovascular ailments.