The Importance of a Diet in Managing Asthma and Allergies

The Importance of a Diet in Managing Asthma and Allergies

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system, wherein people face breathing problems due to the narrowing of the air tubes. In most patients, this happens because of allergies. While pollen and pollution are the major causes of allergies, many foods can also cause them. For patients, foods to manage allergies and asthma need to be part of their diet for the following reasons:

1. Diet and trigger foods
A balanced diet ensures nutrition and optimal health through the intake of the right food. Those suffering from diseases and disorders can improve their health by following a proper and balanced diet. Asthma is a disease related to allergies, wherein the immune system reacts strongly against certain triggers and closes the airways to prevent the lungs from being affected. This leads to wheezing and breathlessness.

While deciding on which foods to eat to manage asthma and allergies, it is important to identify the triggers, but this differs from one individual to another. While one person may find that milk triggers an asthma attack, another may not face such a problem. Through elimination, one can identify the foods that trigger an allergy or asthma attack. A list of such foods should be prepared so that they can be avoided.

2. Elimination diet
An elimination diet involves eliminating various foods that can cause allergies. Certain common foods trigger allergies and worsen the symptoms of asthma. In an elimination diet, all such foods are avoided, and such a diet needs to be followed for around a month.

After a month, the doctor would examine the patient and get blood tests done to find out whether the elimination of some foods from their diet has helped. If the tests show improvement, it means the foods are problematic. In the next step, the doctor reintroduces the eliminated foods one by one, every week. If the person experiences the symptoms again, it means that particular food item is responsible for the allergic symptoms.

This process of elimination helps identify and strictly avoid trigger foods. Such a diet must be followed only under the supervision of a doctor.

3. Food and lungs
While certain foods can trigger an allergic attack and lead to breathing problems, others are beneficial for the lungs. Following a balanced diet that provides the right nutrition to the body ensures that one can breathe easily.

Reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and consuming healthy fats is beneficial as it does not produce too much carbon dioxide, which is beneficial for the lungs. Certain substances like tocopherol, found in vitamin E, can prevent wheezing, so including it in the diet could be very helpful for the lungs.

4. Weight loss
An increase in weight is usually accompanied by a buildup of belly fat, and a big belly can put pressure on the lungs, causing breathing difficulties. Obese people have weaker immune systems and are susceptible to allergies, which is why a good diet focuses on weight loss.

A diet to manage asthma and allergies avoids trigger foods that can cause an allergic or asthma attack. By a process of elimination, such foods are identified and removed from the diet, which includes only nutritious food that can fortify the body.